Youth Ministries
Our youth are a Chosen Generation. Called by the Holy Spirit to a spiritual battlefield on a daily bases, battling not only over their souls but over the souls of their friends and families.
The purpose of Chosen Generation Youth Ministries is to teach young people (ages 12-18) to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. We seek to lead the youth to honor God as the most amazing Being in all of existence and to love Him as the greatest treasure of their lives. We do this through explaining God’s Word and its message of God’s salvation through Jesus Christ alone.
Although we may play games, laugh, and enjoy each other’s friendship, we have no greater purpose than to proclaim the crucified, risen, and glorified Son of God as the only means of peace and relationship with God.
Additionally, we purpose to show the youth that their lives will only find purpose in obeying and serving our sovereign God. We teach that they must strive to see life from God’s perspective and discipline themselves to live according to His commands. We believe that by doing this, the youth will find the “fullness of joy,” and “eternal pleasures” from the hand of God.